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Ana Letycia Basso Garcia

Ph.D. Genetics and Plant Breeding

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The 3 software/apps help me to keep on track during the day and keep my restless mind organized: Clockify (Free), Notion (Freemium), (paid).


I use it to track the time I spend on each task. I do not track everything. My goal is to track time on work or extra work that will help with my goals. That helps me to observe if I am dedicating enough time to what matters most to me.


To make and organize brainstorms, create to-do lists, organize weekly agenda, and to do not get lost in the “800” projects I get involved in (this showed me it is time to start saying no)

An app with nice functional AI-created music. This app helps me keep focused and remove background noise when working from home. One may prefer known songs. For me, the songs that I enjoy dancing or singing are a huge distraction. I avoid such distractions using (this is not an advertisement)


A notebook with a conventional pen

Every new task or scheduled meeting, every new idea, everything I need to delegate, everything that blows in the environment or on my mind first goes to the notebook, which I review periodically. - I learned that with my dad, the most effective person I’ve met in my life.

Am I a highly effective person? No! But I am improving a bit each day. There are methods, tools, and people that can help keep the focus on what matters most.

Do you have any tools, strategies or methods that you employ in a daily basis and helps you keep on track to achieve your goals?